Government of Nepal
Ministry of Health and Population
Department of Health Services
Health Care Waste Management Guideline Nepal
1.1. Background
1.2. Objective of the Guideline
1.3 Health care Waste and its Management in Nepal
Policy, Legal provisions and Commitments
2.1. International agreements and underlying legislative and regulatory
2.2 Existing National Acts, Rules and Regulation related to HCWM
3. Categorization
3.1 Defination
3.2 Categorization based on the UNEP/SBC/WHO
3.2.1 Non-risk Health Care Waste
3.2.2 Health Care Waste Requiring Special Attention
3.2.3 Infectious and Highly Infectious Waste
3.2.4 Other Hazardous Waste
3.2.5 Radioactive Waste
3.3 Categorization at Neplese Context
4. Possible Environmental and Health Impacts
4.1 Occupational and public health risks
4.2 Indirect risks via the environment
Organizational Issues
5.1 Planning and organization
5.2 Implementation
5.3 Monitoring and Evaluation
6. Waste Management
6.1 Waste Minimization
6.1.1 Waste Reduction at source
6.1.2 Giving preference to reusable and recyclable items
6.2 Waste Segregation
6.3 Waste Collection and Storage
6.4 Waste Transportation
6.4.1 On-site transportation
6.4.2 Off-site transportation
6.5 Waste Treatment and Disposal
a. Biological Procedure
b. Autoclave
c. Chemical disinfection
d. Encapsulation
e. Sanitary Landfill
f. Burial
g. Septic/Concrete Vault
h. Incineration
i. Inertisation
7. Health and Safety Practices
7.1 Infection Prevention
7.2 Personal hygiene and hand hygiene
7.3. Workers’ Protection
7.4. Protective clothing
7.5. Immunization
7.6. Injection Safety
7.7. Response to injury and exposure
7.8. Special precaution’s for clearing up spillages of potentially
hazardous substances
7.9. Safe Use of Cytotoxic Drugs and Radioactive Materials
7.10. Emergency Response in case of spillage
7.11. Management practices
8. Methods of Health Care Waste Management at different levels of
Health Care Facilities
9. Training and Raising Awareness
Health Care Waste Management Guideline- 2014: This guideline provides HCFs a minimum standard for safe and efficient HCWM in Nepal. HCF has the prime responsibility of ensuring that there are no adverse health and environmental consequences on handling, storage, treatment and disposal of HCWs. Though this guideline does not provide any details about the proper management of liquid and gaseous waste, through this guideline, HCFs will be able to install appropriate waste management system that can provide other benefits such as:
- Protection of public health by reducing the exposure of employees, patients, attendants, andentire community to hazardous HCWs in the work environment
- Facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements
- Enhance community relation by demonstrating a commitment to environmental protection
- Reduce waste handling and disposal volumes along with costs without compromising the quality of healthcare
- Increase employee morale resulting from a healthier and safer working environment.